Lexington, Massachusetts, USA
This site was developed to provide weather information for residents of Lexington, Massachusetts, and anyone else wishing to know what the weather is like here. While most of the information displayed is usually accurate and current, that cannot be guaranteed. Please also consult other sources (especially local media) for critical weather information.
This site is based on a template design found at Saratoga-Weather.org.
The data comes from a Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station, other local personal weather stations (via AerisWeather), Hanscom Field (KBED) in Bedford, the National Weather Service, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Naval Observatory. It is at an elevation of 276 feet, downslope from Loring Hill, the second highest point in Lexington (364 feet).
The weather station data is collected and transmitted to the Internet by an Ambient Weatherbridge / Meteobridge running software version 6.0 build 15402 TL-MR3020.
The station transmits its data to the following weather networks:
If you have any questions, you can email webmaster -at- lexmaweather -dot- info.